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Senin, 26 Juli 2010

The International Seminar on Chemoprevention for Health Promotion and Beauty

Globalization produce many impacts on health and lifestyle. Exposure to UV rays, cigarette smoke and pollution from vehicles and factories cause various health disorders such as hyper-pigmentation, skin and lung cancer. The prevention paradigm has developed rapidly in the world, including Indonesia, primarily related to health, fitness and beauty. As an example is the use of antioxidants for health and antiaging for beauty. Strategies to solve the problem includes the use of an agent that is called chemopreventive agent.

Nowdays, there are also paradigm of chemoprevention toward health promotion and beauty. The use of antioxidants intended to prevent premature aging and the onset of degenerative diseases. Exposure to UV rays, that initiate the skin cancer, can be prevented by applying sunscreen as cosmetics. Environmental polution is also encouraging people to continue developing chemoprevention in order to improve healthcare and beauty, primarily from natural products.

To celebrate the 64th anniversary of the Faculty of Pharmacy UGM and conjunction with the retirement of Prof. Dr. Sri Noegrohati, Apt., Faculty of Pharmacy UGM in collaboration with Nara Institute of Science and Technology (NAIST) Japan and Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst-German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) organize an international seminar on “Chemoprevention for Health Promotion and Beauty”. This seminar also spearhead the establishment of a cancer chemoprevention research association in Indonesia.

Date and Venue :
The seminar will be conducted on 9th October, 2010 at the Faculty of Pharmacy, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Sekip Utara, Yogyakarta 55281.

Detail Information and Online Registration :

Minggu, 23 Mei 2010

Going Green In Chemistry

Perkembangan dunia kimia lingkungan yang disebut ‘green chemistry’ sudah berkembang cukup pesat. Dalam beberapa dekade terakhir misalnya, Green Chemistry Institute of the American Chemical Society terus mendukung proyek-proyek yang peduli lingkungan. Salah satu proyek yang cukup berhasil adalah Carnegie Mellon University’s for Green Oxidation Chemistry. Mereka berhasil mengembangkan katalis yang bekerja seperti enzim, katalis tersebut dinamakan tetra-amido-macrocyclic ligand activators (TAML).

TAML yang bekerja bersama hidrogen peroksida (H2O2) mampu meniru kerja enzim tubuh manusia untuk mengurai toksin yang berbahaya seperti pestisida, pewarna tekstil, dan detergen. TAML juga mampu menurunkan tingkat polusi bau, menjernihkan air, hingga bersifat disinfektan dengan membunuh bakteri setingkat anthrax.

Saat TAML larut dalam air, hydrogen peroksida mengaktifkan TAML dengan menggantikan ligan H2O dengan H2O2 pada gugus TAML. Kemudian, H2O2 yang tidak stabil terurai kembali menjadi H2O menyisakan atom oksigen. Oksigen ini saling tolak menolak dengan atom besi (Fe) yang terdapat pada pusat gugus TAML. Interaksi inilah yang membuat TAML aktif dan mampu bekerja sebagaimana enzim ataupun scavenger radikal bebas yang dalam hal ini polutan.

Senin, 10 Mei 2010


Welcome to my new weird blog,,,

this's my first blog,,
well Hmm,,, not really,,, I'v ever been create an acount before, such a long long time ago, but time goes by, and I never posting to my blog,, and finally I forgot my password,, :(

So,,, here I am,,, with the new one,,
wish it works and educated...

I'll share anything i get here,,,

enjoy guys,,,

Lomba Nulis Cerpen

Buuat kamu kamu yang hobi nuliss,,

yuuukkk ikutan lomba ini,,, Lumayan loh hadiahnya,, ^^